Be You.

About Lisa

I found yoga in the summer of 2014.

Almost entirely by accident, although I now believe that we find yoga exactly when we need it. I had lived with anxiety most of my life and never really felt like I belonged. I was in search of an online fitness video and came across a Yoga with Adriene video (just search Yoga on Youtube, she’s everywhere!).

One video, one practice and I was hooked.

I began a 30 day yoga program and when it was over I just kept going, and going. Every day drawn back to my mat and the way it was making me feel. I was reconnecting with my body in a way that felt so needed.

I still remember the moment I knew I was going to be a teacher.

I attended a Wanderlust festival, and I could feel the warmth radiating from the closeness of the sweaty bodies after a midday yoga practice in the sun. When we were invited to chant an Om together at the end of the festival, the sound and the vibration pulsed through my entire body and I felt an overwhelming sense that I was with my people. Exactly the right place, at exactly the right time. And I knew.

Innate Meditation changed the way I meditated - forever.

Throughout my years of personal yoga practice and teaching, I struggled to maintain a regular meditation practice. Sit still, be quite, silence your thoughts - an impossible feat for a human of this vibrant and at times hectic modern lifestyle. I was lucky enough to be accepted into the first ever ‘Empower Your Instincts’ Innate Meditation Teacher Training course run by Alison Potts - Innate Being. This approach to mediation, that it is instinctive to all humans, is the greatest gift I gave myself, and I love sharing it with others.

My Mission

In a world that wants you to be somebody for everybody, it is my mission to help awaken the courage within to be totally and authentically you.

“The truth about who we are lives in our hearts. Our call to courage it to protect our wild heart against constant evaluation, especially our own. No one belongs here more than you”

— Brene Brown, Braving the Wilderness